Models of Education in Singapore
The education model in Singapore consists of the four-tier model, which are primary schools, secondary schools, pre-tertiary level, and tertiary education. Here we will explain each model in detail to you:
a) Primary Schools
Primary education is mandatory and accessible for every child in Singapore. It includes children of age seven years. They are subdivided into two parts which are mentioned below:-
1)Four-year foundation stage (Primary 1 to 4),
2) Two-year orientation stage (Primary 5 to 6).
b) Secondary School
Based on primary school results, students are put in different streams and tracks of secondary education, which includes “Special,” “Express,” “Normal (Academic),” or “Normal (Technical).”
The Special and Express track are four-year courses that lead students to the GCE O’ Level examination of Cambridge.
Normal is a four-year course followed by an exam that provides another year’s possibility followed by an O-level.
c) Pre-Tertiary (Junior level or Polytechnic)
Once you complete your secondary education, students of Singapore will give the GCE’ O’ Level examination. The results of the exam will decide the institutions you can apply to afterward.
It consists of a two or three-year course which finally leads to GCE ‘A’ Level. These institutions emphasize academics than professional technical education. Students who wish to pursue a professional-centered diploma education go to post-secondary institutions afterward
d) Tertiary
After completing two-year or three-year courses in Junior Colleges or Millennia Institute, students may earn degrees in their desired Universities.